Discover STEM Excellence:
Events by SLAAC

Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge knowledge and innovation. Explore a diverse range of STEM-focused events curated by the STEM Learning Academic Accreditation Council (SLAAC). From conferences and workshops to interactive seminars, our events offer a unique opportunity to engage with industry leaders, educators, and fellow enthusiasts, driving excellence in STEM education. Join us in shaping the future of STEM!

SLAAC Workshop Series

Event Overview: The SLAAC Workshop Series was a comprehensive program designed to equip educational institutions with the essential knowledge and tools needed to navigate the SLAAC accreditation process. This series of workshops offered hands-on, practical insights and best practices, tailored to assist institutions in achieving and maintaining SLAAC accreditation.

Key Objectives:

1. Practical Insights: The workshop series aimed to provide participants with actionable insights into the SLAAC accreditation process. It focused on demystifying the steps involved and offering tangible strategies for successful accreditation.

2. Alignment with Industry Standards: A crucial aspect of the workshops was guiding institutions in aligning their programs with industry-recognized standards. This ensured that accredited institutions not only met minimum requirements but also excelled in delivering quality STEM education.

3. Optimizing Accreditation Process: Participants gained a deep understanding of how to streamline and optimize the accreditation process. This knowledge was intended to help institutions navigate the process efficiently, saving time and resources.

Key Highlights:

• Interactive Sessions: The workshop series featured interactive sessions, allowing participants to actively engage with accreditation experts, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance on specific challenges.

• Case Studies and Best Practices: Real-world case studies and best practices were shared to illustrate successful approaches to accreditation. Participants gained valuable insights from the experiences of institutions that have achieved SLAAC accreditation.

• Workshop Materials and Resources: Attendees received comprehensive workshop materials, including templates, guidelines, and resources, to support them in their accreditation journey.


The SLAAC Workshop Series proved to be a valuable resource for institutions aspiring to attain SLAAC accreditation. Participants left with a clear roadmap, practical strategies, and a deeper understanding of the accreditation process. Armed with this knowledge, institutions were better prepared to align their programs with industry standards and embark on a successful journey towards achieving SLAAC accreditation. The workshop series contributed to raising the overall quality of STEM education within the SLAAC-accredited community.